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Where can I find the latest technical analysis of AUD/USD?

You may find the analysis on a daily basis with forecasts for the global daily trend. You may also find live updates around the clock if any major changes occur in the currency pair. provides the latest technical analysis of the AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/Dollar or Aussie) with a forecast.

What is AUD/USD (Australian dollar - US dollar)?

Note: Low and High figures are for the trading day. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar - US Dollar) is one of the most frequently-traded currency pairs in the world. The AUD/USD rate, as shown in the real-time price chart, tells traders how many US Dollars are needed to buy a single Australian Dollar.

What's going on with AUDUSD in 2023?

Don't miss our 2023 AUDUSD forecast! The Australian Dollar is facing headwinds yet again against the US Dollar, as the central bank divergence theme is back in play in early 2023.

Why is the Aud a gross measure of market activity?

It is a gross measure of market activity because it indicates the pace at which a country's economy is growing or decreasing. Generally speaking, a high reading or a better than expected number is seen as positive for the AUD, while a low reading is negative.

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